July 15, 2022 Plastic Drum blow molding machine

What is the difference between automatic blow molding machine and semi-automatic blow molding machine?

Many companies in the choice of blow molding machine equipment is difficult, do not know which is a good choice, will be confused which is normal, the variety of blow molding machine is rich and diverse, in order to choose before you need to understand and learn a lot of knowledge, you need to buy according to their needs. Expensive blow molding machine may be good, but not necessarily suitable for your needs. Today we will talk about the difference between this automatic blow molding machine and semi-automatic blow molding machine are what.

Whether it is a fully automatic blow molding machine or semi-automatic blow molding machine is similar to blowing bubbles. Specifically, the working principle of plastic extruder: plastic and hopper into the extruder barrel, with the rotation of the screw, is threaded forced to the direction of the head. Due to the head at the filter, manifold, head mouth die resistance, coupled with the gradual reduction of the capacity between the screw threads, so that the forward material is subject to great resistance, but also by the barrel incoming heat heating; on the other hand – the plastic in motion by compression, shear, stirring and other forces, and the barrel, the friction between the screw and the friction between the plastic molecules, will generate a lot of heat. As the plastic in the machine . The temperature inside the barrel increases continuously, and its physical state gradually changes from glassy state to highly elastic state, and finally becomes viscous flow state, . And further completely plasticized. As the screw is rotating continuously, the plasticized plastic is extruded from the head die with equal pressure and quantity, which is called plastic products with certain shape. After cooling and shaping, the extrusion molding work is completed.

The principle is the same that the difference between automatic blow molding machine and semi-automatic blow molding machine in which point? In fact, the difference between the two in terms of operation is very different.

Semi-automatic blow molding machine is also called manual blow molding machine, listen to the name to know that all rely on manual operation control, the fact is also true, so the semi-automatic blow molding machine investment is small, easy to operate, simple maintenance, low output, staff operating intensity, the need for people to watch, can be adjusted at any time.

Automatic blow molding machine is relatively much simpler, much more efficient than semi-automatic, almost no manual operation.

Sinocure Machinery Co., Ltd.

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